Tianjin Yaoyu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)
CAS No: 7758-29-4
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 94%, 95%
Packing: 25kg/bag, 50kg/bag
Post Time: 2011-03-04
Usage: Uses: Used as a detergent additive product can also be used in petroleum, metallurgy, mining, paper and water treatment. Mainly used as synthetic detergent additives, synergist for soap and soap grease to prevent articles from precipitation and frost. On strong oil and fat emulsification, liquid soap can be used to adjust the PH value of the buffer. Industrial water softener. Tanning agent. Dyeing auxiliaries. Paint, kaolin, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate and other industries when preparing suspension dispersant. Drilling mud dispersants. Paper industry as anti-oil agents.
Description: *** Product Deion: Product name: Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) Molecular formula: Na5P3O10 CAS code:7758-29-4 Product Grade: Industrial Grade , Food Grade Purity content: 94% , 95% HS code: 2835.2910 *** Product Specification: Item Standard Industrial Grade Food Grade Na5P3O10 94% min. 95% min P2O5 57% max. 57% max. Water insoluble 0.15% max. 0.05% max. Fe 0.01% max. 0.01% max. Arsenic(As) 0.0003% max. Heavy metals(Pb) 0.001% max. Flouride(F) 0.003% max. Whiteness 90% min. 90% min. PH(1% aqueous solution) 9.2-10.0 9.5-10.0
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