Tianjin Yaoyu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Pentaerythrite
CAS No: 115-77-5
Product Type: Coatings and Paints -> Paints
Product spec: 92% , 95%, 98%
Packing: 25kg/bag, 50kg/bag
Post Time: 2011-03-04
Usage: Uses: Pentaerythritol is mainly used in manufacturing of alkyd resins,oil painting and printing.Besides, it also can be used following fields: Manufacturing plastifiers that of hot and cold resistance and without poison, additive agent of lubricant, emulsifying agent, petroleum anti-freezing agent, stabilizing agent of polyvinyl chloride, chlorinated polythether, fire retardant, fire resistance painting and printing ink and the like. Tetranotro-penraerythritol, which is a kind of high expolsive, produced after the chemical reaction with nitric acid.
Description: Production Deion: Product name: Pentaerythrite , Pentaerythritol Molecular formula: C(CH2OH)4 CAS code :115-77-5 Purity content: 98% Appearance: Powder HS code: 2905.4200 Packing: 25kg/bag,18mt/FCL(with pallet) or 21mt/FCL (w/o pallet) Properties: Pentaerythritol is soluble in ethanol, glycerin, glycol, methanamide, and insoluble in acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, ether and petroleum ether. It is a kind of organic polyatomic. It is part of white crystal powder solid no poison and odor, which is stable in air, and without water sucking. Production Specification: Item Standard Content of unit pentaerythritol % 98 min. Content of hydroxyl group % 49 min. Hearting decrement % 0.2 max. Phthalic color 2 max(Gardner) Melting point 250 Ash content % 0.03 max.
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